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Fri, 15 Jan 2021 10am



The environmental and infrastructural monitoring services offered by DIAN are differentiated based on the spatial extension and the kinematic characteristics of the natural phenomenon to be monitored.

Within the large scale environmental monitoring, based on SAR data acquired by satellite, we offer two services, as shown in Table 1. The main differences are:

  • the various types of service offered,
  • their availability based on specific business areas,
  • the optimal characteristics of the phenomenon to be monitored.

Offered service Landslides Subsidence and volcanoes Tectonic and earthquakes Infrastructures Characteristics of the phenomenon to monitor
Historical Analysis X X X X Slow phenomenon started and concluded in the past, or started in the past and still in development
Regular Monitoring X X X X Slow phenomenon in the development phase

Table 1 - Services offered for large scale environmental monitoring

A brief description of the supply process for the various large scale environmental monitoring services is described following:

  1. Historical Analysis (HA): Processing of SAR data acquired over the area to be monitored preceding the service request and their analysis with final written report.
  2. Regular Monitoring (RM): Processing of SAR data acquired over the area to be monitored following the service request and their analysis and final written report or if requested by the Customer, drafting of interim reports.

Regarding the historical analysis, the periods that can be studied depend on the satellite acquisitions available over the area to be monitored. Said period cannot be antecedent to 1992, date in which the first regular acquisitions of the ERS-1 satellite started (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Timeline SAR missions from 1992

Each of the above mentioned services can be adapted to specific Customer requirements. For more information, kindly contact us by: